Film, Intelligence, and Questions

Film, Intelligence, and Questions

First and seventh period finished up the 1964 section of The Glory Field. We’ll begin the final section tomorrow. Second period began Flowers for Algernon, looking at intelligence and empathy as well as inferences. Fourth period watched a film adaptation of...
Last Editing and First Pages

Last Editing and First Pages

First period completed the Giver projects. They’re not actually due until next Friday, so students can come in early to do additional work on them, but we won’t be spending any more class time on them. Second period began Great Expectations. My...
Media Center Work

Media Center Work

First period continued working on their Giver newsletter projects. They’re almost all complete; Friday will be the last day for everyone to finish up. Second period worked on web quest to begin the new unit on Dickens’ Great Expectations. Students looked...
More Writing and Planning

More Writing and Planning

First period began creating their Giver newsletters. We typed all the articles and saved them in a centralized location, thus creating a central pool of material for students to draw from in designing and creating their newsletters. Second period continued working on...