Antigone, the Giver, and Charlie

First period continued with The Giver. We looked at all the ways the community tries to eliminate pain from the community. In the end, we determined that all the major differences between our society and theirs has to do with the elimination of pain. Second period...


Due to ITBS testing, we only had fourth and sixth periods today. We continued the “frequently confused words” work in conjunction with Flowers for Algernon.
Rites of Passage and the End of Innocence

Rites of Passage and the End of Innocence

First period looked at the various rites of passage in The Giver and worked together to come up with an answer to the day’s essential question, “What is a rite of passage.” Second period finished up Lord of the Flies. We began working on two trials...

Acting and Symbols

First period went over euphemisms and how they’re used in The Giver. Second period discussed symbols in Lord of the Flies. Fourth and sixth periods worked on Flowers for Algernon. Homework Second period: read chapter nine of LoF. First, fourth, and sixth...
The Giver, Algernon, and Sociology

The Giver, Algernon, and Sociology

First period began The Giver. We’ll be reading it in class for a day or so to settle everyone into sometimes-disorienting world of Jonas. Second period began looking at five principles of sociology in order to understand better Lord of the Flies and the...