Final Push

English I Honors classes are finishing up Mockingbird and as such, discussed the titular mockingbird today. English 8 students began the final STEAM project, combining a bit of most every core class into a final project that we’ll be completing later this week...


Today was a day of catching up and getting our feet under us. English 8 Strategies students continued with the STEAM unit we’ve begun, creating a narrative. Students worked on their projects, picking up wherever they’d left off last period. English I...


English 8 Strategies students today continued with the model story “Tears of Autumn” as we begin our final unit, a STEAM unit in which all teachers will be working together on a theme of immigration and movement. Fourth period English I Honors students...

EOC and Monster’s Last Parts

11 school days left 11 First and fourth periods took the state-required End of Course (EOC) exam for English 1 today, which is worth twenty percent of their final grade. The results of the exam should be available tomorrow. Today second and seventh periods were...
Practice and Acting

Practice and Acting

12 First and fourth period practiced for the End of Course Exam that is tomorrow. We looked at an example exam and had an informal review in the form of Jeopardy. Today second and seventh period were reading more of the book Monster, and they also acted it out....