Poetry and Finishing Chapter 3

Poetry and Finishing Chapter 3

English 8 students finished working on effective readers’ skills and chapter three from Nightjohn. We’ll be moving on to the next chapter tomorrow after we debrief today’s work. English I Honors students began our new unit, which focuses on poetry....

Workshop and Effective Readers

English 8 students began a text on slave codes (available here) in anticipation of our first novel, Nightjohn. We also began our year-long use of effective readers’ skills (download here) with the slave codes text. English I Honors students began their first...

Transitions and Anti-Semetism

English 8 students worked on effective readers’ skills and text elements with a piece about the rise of anti-Semitism in contemporary Germany. Students in English I Honors worked on transitional elements between paragraphs. HomeworkEnglish 8:  complete...