Analysis and Effective Readers

Analysis and Effective Readers

English I Honors students began looking at the difference between summarizing and analyzing by looking at a poem by Li-Young Lee called “The Gift” and examining example summaries and analyses of the poem. English 8 students began looking at effective...

Chapter 6 and Villanelles

English I Honors students looked at their first formal poetic form, the villanelle. We came up with a few rules for villanelles after looking at three of them, including a poem we’d already explored. English 8 students read chapter 6 of Nightjohn and began...
Tonal Shift and Chapter Five

Tonal Shift and Chapter Five

English 8 students continued working with Nightjohn, working through chapter five, the final long chapter. English I Honors students began looking at Billy Collins’s “The Lanyard,” going over the homework and discovering a few new things. Afterward,...

Chapter Four and Tone

English 8 students began working on chapter four from Nightjohn. We’re having a final practice of effective readers’ skills before next week’s test. English I Honors students began looking at the question of tone in a poem. We’ll move to tonal...