Planning and Think Alouds

First and fourth periods got into groups to plan their arguments about the death of Emmett Till. In the last ten minutes we discussed our assignment about “To Kill a Mockingbird” due Wednesday. Miss Maudie explains to Scout why her father told her it was a...
Emmett Till and Meeting Nightjohn

Emmett Till and Meeting Nightjohn

Today in first and fourth periods we learned about Emmett Till through multiple resources, including Bob Dylan’s song “The Death of Emmett Till.” We’ll be using these sources tomorrow to construct an argument about the role Emmett Till played...
Mysterious Deaths and Jim Crow

Mysterious Deaths and Jim Crow

First and fourth periods discussed their first encounters with racism, then they divided into groups and read an informational text about Jim Crow Laws. We tried a new type of marking the text called “Say Something” as we worked on the anticipatory set for...

Point of View and Effective Readers

Today first and fourth periods did a Socratic Seminar on “The Cask of Amontillado” discussing if the story had to be in first person and if the narrator can be trusted. Notes from the discussion follow: First Period Big Board Notes First person P.O.V....