Act I, Scene 3, First Half

First, second, and seventh periods continued working on the Diary of Anne Frank. We completed the first half of scene three, and there were some splendidly prepared students who really put on a good show. [nggallery id=16] After acting out the play, we looked...


First, second, and seventh periods all worked on dialogue analysis. In a play, all things we learn about characters have to be teased out from the dialogue, so we practiced doing just that: reading closely what characters say to see what we can determine about the...

First Take and Characterization

First, fourth, and sixth periods began Much Ado About Nothing. They’re quickly seeing how difficult it can be to act on the fly. We’ll be spending class time — now that I’ve shown then and not simply told them — preparing each day before...
Anne Frank and the PSAT

Anne Frank and the PSAT

Most students from second period were taking the PSAT. First period read/performed Act 1 Scene 4. Fourth period finished the play through Act 1 Scene 2. We also began working on the cause and effect graphic organizer. You can download the organizer here: jpg image...