Starting Drama and Project

Starting Drama and Project

First and fifth periods began reading The Diary of Anne Frank, the dramatized version of Anne’s diary. We went over the special textual features of drama; our notes are below. (Fifth period’s notes were about the same.) Additionally, a PDF version is...
Resource Evaluation and Planning

Resource Evaluation and Planning

First and fifth periods completed two mini-projects in the computer lab today. First, they used the now-famous CRAP Test to evaluate three web resources while answering one of the questions they from their Holocaust KWL chart (from last week). After they evaluated...
Planning and Visualizing

Planning and Visualizing

Students in first and fifth periods did a close reading of a text describing Anne Frank’s hiding place and worked in partners to sketch a floor plan from the text. We began with the main office building, working as a class to figure out just how to examine the...
Anticipation and Completion

Anticipation and Completion

First and fifth periods finished up the work on heroes yesterday, developing checklists of qualities and examples before creating as groups one-sentence definitions of “hero.” Afterward, we moved to an anticipatory writing lesson on the Holocaust in...