Scene Three and Sonnets

Scene Three and Sonnets

First and fifth periods are nearing the end of the Anne Frank reading. We should be finishing up tomorrow or Monday. Today we went over scene three, a very emotional scene. We’ll be having a test on the unit next Wednesday. I will post details about it later...
Meter and Reorientation

Meter and Reorientation

First and fifth periods continued with The Diary of Anne Frank, beginning with a quiz and a couple re-orientations with the unit, reminders about various things we’re going to be keeping track of in the second act. Second and fourth periods put the net up for...
Ballad and CD-Quote Completion

Ballad and CD-Quote Completion

First and fifth periods finished up some practice with adding quotes to concrete details to make intermediate-level CDs. We ended up with a few good examples from each class: Fifth Period For example, Anne is talking about Miep running their errands for them and Mr....