Anne Frank Viewing and Sonnets

Anne Frank Viewing and Sonnets

First and fifth periods finished and abbreviated viewing of The Diary of Anne Frank. Probably not the most uplifting way to finish out the week before a long break, but hopefully students return home thankful for their freedom and admiring those who fought to keep...

Sonnets and Anne

First and fifth periods watched some of a television version of The Diary of Anne Frank. Second and fourth periods continued working on their sonnets. Homework First and fifth periods: none. Second and fourth periods: continue working on the poetry anthology (the...
Heroes and Sonnets

Heroes and Sonnets

First and fifth periods took a practice test to acclimate them to the Moodle testing system. Afterward, they returned to the topic of heroes and heroism, looking at two contemporary issues to see if the actors are heroes or not. Second and fourth periods began working...
Completion and Beginning

Completion and Beginning

First and fifth period finished the Diary of Anne Frank. We also began wrapping up the Anne first/later impressions work by examining the actual final diary entry (as opposed to the invented entry from the play). Second and fourth periods began working on their...

Anne Frank Test (UPDATED)

Students in first and fifth periods will be having a test on Wednesday 19 December Thursday 3 January on The Diary of Anne Frank. Topics to be covered on the test include: The play itself (characters, developments, causes and effects). Vocabulary Elements of...