Anne Frank Scene One Start and End

English Strategies students (fourth period) read through the first scene of The Diary of Anne Frank, marking it a couple of things and going over the annotations as a class. English Studies students (fifth period) finished up the first scene by looking at some other...

Anne Frank Starting

English 8 Strategies began the play proper, reading through the opening of scene one. We’ll continue the scene Monday. English 8 Studies finished up scene one with the comprehension questions and scene summary. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies:...

Anne Frank Encounters

English Strategies students worked on their introductions to Anne Frank. Most students were able to get through the introductory material and take the interactive tour of Anne’s hiding place. Students who didn’t complete the work will have to do so at...

Anne Frank Introductions

English Strategies students began our second unit, which will explore Anne Frank, her diary, and the play created from it. English Studies students continued with the second unit, looking the details behind Anne Frank, the individuals who were hiding with her, and the...

Reward and New Unit

English Strategies students (fourth period) returned from the Donaldson Center tour with only twenty minutes remaining in class, so since they did such excellent work last week, I just let them have a short reward time. English Studies students began our second unit,...