Starting Drama and Phrases

Starting Drama and Phrases

English I Honors students began working on phrases as part of the final push through Great Expectations. We’ll be using it our new knowledge to analyze sentences for meaning more effectively. English 8 students began working on the play The Diary of Anne Frank....


English I Honors had their last reading day today as students waited for the majority of the class to come back from the field trip. We’ll pick up Monday with normal programming. English 8 students finished up the introductory work for the Anne Frank unit we...
New Unit and Reading

New Unit and Reading

English I Honors students had a reading day (and will have two more this week) as students’ absences for the Beta Club field trip to New York deplete the classes by at least 30% per class. English 8 students worked on the article of the week a bit, looking at...
Writing and More Writing

Writing and More Writing

All classes were writing today. English I was working on their Romeo and Juliet projects while English 8 students worked on a short writing assignment designed to preview what they’ll be doing in their own writing class next week. HomeworkEnglish 8: ...
Preparing and Transitioning

Preparing and Transitioning

English I Honors students worked again transitions between paragraphs as well as their Romeo and Juliet projects. Remember: we have a quiz on Tuesday when we come back on acts four and five. English 8 students split up a little today: they did essentially the same...