Lit Circles and Clauses

English I students continued working with sentence analysis in Great Expectations. English 8 students continued with the lit circles for The Diary of Anne Frank. HomeworkEnglish 8: complete through page 104 (at least) of act one scene two of The Diary of Anne...
Final Lit Circles and Skimming

Final Lit Circles and Skimming

English 8 students worked on The Diary of Anne Frank, evolving our reading into a lit circle format, which will take us through the end of the year. English I Honors students heard positively sacrilegious words from Mr. Scott today — sacrilegious for an English...

First Step Done and Motifs

English I Honors students learned what a motif is and used a simple graphic organizer to begin tracking nine motifs in Great Expectations. English 8 students finished up act one, scene one of The Diary of Anne Frank. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I...
Phrases and a Play

Phrases and a Play

English I finished up the overview of the five major types of phrases. We’ll be using these to analyze sentences from Great Expectations. English 8 students continued with the first scene of The Diary of Anne Frank. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I...