Dialogue and Hypocrisy

Dialogue and Hypocrisy

English 8 students looked at The Diary of Anne Frank today, examining how dialogue propels the action and reveals the characters. We looked specifically at how Anne’s character is developed in the play. English I students finished up the enigmatic twenty-fourth...
TDA Practice and a Guest Speaker

TDA Practice and a Guest Speaker

English 8 students began a hopefully-weekly bit of practice planning and thinking through Anne-Frank-related TDAs in preparation for the actual state-administered TDA next month. Local attorney Jim Bannister met today with Mrs. Hinner’s and my English I classes...
Independent Clauses and Empathy

Independent Clauses and Empathy

English 8 students began a new unit today on the Diary of Anne Frank, our final major reading selection for the year. We began with an anticipation lesson designed to get students empathetic to Anne Frank’s situation and the dangers she faced as the Nazis took...