Every single class completed group work. To that end, we set the desks in quads during first period and they stayed that way until the end of the day. First and sixth both completed Alphabet Story rewrites of the stories we’d worked on yesterday in class. It was...
First period completed the “Say Something” engagement with the story “Charles.” We’ll look at character development tomorrow. Second and fourth periods worked on connotation and denotation, finishing by doing group work sorting words...
First period had a quick mini-lesson on endings, concluding a three-day mini-lesson cycle on the structural development of an essay: good beginnings, tight transitions, and effective endings. Afterward, students continued working on their portfolios. Second and sixth...
Second and sixth periods had quizzes on nouns, adjective, and adverbs. We’ll begin verbs tomorrow, and hopefully finish up the parts of speech unit on time next Friday. First period continued with adverbs. We’ll finish them up tomorrow, as well as...
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