Prompt Books and Comparison Cubed

Prompt Books and Comparison Cubed

First and fourth periods had a short quiz on act one of Romeo and Juliet and then worked on making a prompt book of the first few lines of 2.1. We first determined what a prompt book is and includes: We then tried our hand at creating mini-prompt books for 2.1: Second...
Arguments and Terror

Arguments and Terror

First and fourth periods worked with 1.5 of Romeo and Juliet, examining two passages when the young couple first meet each other. This slideshow requires JavaScript. Second and seventh periods completed the first act of The Diary of Anne Frank. After starting with a...
Scene Five and Individual Assessment

Scene Five and Individual Assessment

First and fourth periods continued with yesterday’s EQ: “How does Shakespeare include stage directions in the dialog” by acting/directing the whole of 1.5. We then watched a professional performance to compare. This slideshow requires JavaScript....
Final Projects and 1.5 Stage Directions

Final Projects and 1.5 Stage Directions

First and fourth periods finished up the work on Queen Mab. This slideshow requires JavaScript. Students discussed their illustration decisions with each other before moving on. This slideshow requires JavaScript. During the second half of the day, we tried staging...

Dussel and Mab

First and fourth periods are a little ahead of schedule: we worked on Mab today. We’ll finish up tomorrow. Second and seventh periods are right on schedule. The last presentation will be tomorrow, then we’ll have an informational text reading activity on...