English I students finished their first sonnet, Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 25.” English 8 worked on their culminating analytic project for the quarter, writing about how Charlie’s writing demonstrates his increased intelligence. HomeworkEnglish...
English 8 students continued with Algernon, working on more annotation strategies and commonly confused words on No Red Ink. We’ll be working on these commonly confused words throughout the year, so it was a good time to start. English I finished the tone/tonal...
English I students continued working on poetry: today we finished up “Those Winter Sundays” to examine the enormous role connotations play in the poem. English 8 students finished up a brief overview/review of objective and subjective statements as we...
English 8 students went through the first entry in the fictional progress reports of Flowers for Algernon. We made some inferences about the narrator, about the additional characters, and about the first-person point of view. English I students finished the poem...
English 8 students went over the anticipation guide for their new unit which will cover determining the main idea, summarizing, determining the theme, and examining point of view. We will be using Flowers for Algernon as our anchor text. English I students worked on...
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