Today, two worlds converged: Tech-Free Tuesday and library day. So all kids went to the library today to get a new book, and all kids worked without Chromebooks — teachers, too, as much as possible. English 8 students finished up “Inside Out” after...
English I students finished up their poetry unit with a look at the rules for creating a villanelle: Afterward, we had a Gimkit session to help prepare for tomorrow. English 8 students finished up the fist step of understanding what it means for a writer to develop...
English I students worked on their last poem before the test, “One Art” by Elizabeth Bishop. It’s a villanelle, and tomorrow students will spend a little time at the start of the lesson determining the characteristics of a villanelle. English 8...
English 8 students continued with Flowers for Algernon, looking today at how Charlie’s increasing intelligence is affecting his relationships. We made some predictions and then read the next section for confirmation of those predictions. English I students...
English I students continued with sonnets. We also did some practice with parts of speech. We’ll have the parts of speech test on Friday. English 8 students continued with Flowers for Algernon. We’re still summarizing, but we’re beginning to look at...
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