English 8 students continued with “The Tell-Tale Heart,” shifting to some character analysis. We looked at psychological factors behind the story. We looked at questions like: What motivates the narrator’s actions? How does the narrator describe...
English 8 students continued with “The Tell-Tale Heart,” reaching the climax of the story: when the narrator commits the awful dead. We continued marking the text for use of repetition, specifically how the narrator continually brags about how smart he is...
English 8 students worked on their Halloween story, “The Tell-Tale Heart.” We made it through the first four paragraphs: we’re working on annotations and a summary, so it takes a bit of time to go through each paragraph. We’ll continue working...
After going over transitive and intransitive verbs for fifteen minutes, English I finished their first poem: What a layered puzzle of wonderfulness! Well, I’m not sure the students all agree yet that most poems are like that, but we did get some excitement today...
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