by Mr. Scott | Mar 31, 2011 | English 8, English I Honors, Update
First period read in class for the most part: many students were out finishing up their MAP testing from earlier in the year, so I decided not to go further without them. Second and sixth periods began a new story, “Tears of Autumn.” It’s a...
by Mr. Scott | Mar 30, 2011 | English 8, English I Honors, Update
First period worked on symbols and symbolism. We looked at the apple as a symbol of shame from the story of the Garden of Eden to its role in The Giver. Second and sixth periods had a quick review of character types before applying the knowledge to...
by Mr. Scott | Mar 29, 2011 | English 8, English I Honors, Update
Second and sixth periods finished “Raymond’s Run,” a story students generally enjoy. First period continued with The Giver. We’ll begin working on symbolism tomorrow. Fourth period complete clauses and had an introduction to sentence type....
by Mr. Scott | Mar 28, 2011 | English 8, English I Honors, Update
The two English Strategies classes (second and sixth periods) began a three-week short story unit. We’ll be going over lots of literary elements as well as some reading skills, focusing once again on inferences. First period (English Studies) began The Giver....
by Mr. Scott | Mar 24, 2010 | Update
First and seventh period wrapped up the first fifty pages of The Glory Field. We’ll have a vocab quiz on Friday. Second period went over the chapter in The Giver in which Jonas learns that he is to be the new Receiver of Memory. Fourth period took a break from...
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