Research, Prep, and Empathy

Research, Prep, and Empathy

17 First and seventh periods are still working on their projects. Fourth period is still researching, though today we spent some time going over citations. (I’ve created instructions on formatting hanging indents.) Second period continued with Flowers for...

Citations, Planning, and Drafting

First, second, and seventh periods are all at various stages of the persuasive essay development process. First period will be done with the first draft today (once students complete homework). Those who did not turn in their work today can get 90% credit for...

Back to Business

First period worked on completing their persuasive essay organizational graphic organizer. Second period should be done with their first draft. We worked on the first draft to day, and we began discussing (or rather, reading about and practicing) transitions. Fourth...

Works Cited and Monster

13 First period was able to go back to the computer lab to work on the Much Ado About Nothing projects. Additionally, some students should be finishing up their final drafts for the film review. It will count as late work, but that’s better than nothing. Second...

Citation Practice and Poetry

First period began the poetry unit by looking at several elements of poetry, including: consonnance assonance alliteration simile metaphor personification Second period began reading the Odyssey after we had a quiz on it. Fourth and sixth periods completed their work...