First and fifth periods began with another choice journal topic (number five) continued looking at point of view, examining the differences between a text originally in third person that they had transformed for homework into a first person text. We finished up by...
First and fifth periods looked at an excerpt from There Are No Children Here by Alex Kolowitz. We began by examining it for elements that seem to indicate it’s a fictional piece (the presence of characters, dialogue, setting, and a problem/plot) to see how a...
First and fifth periods worked on choice debates. We’ll be having the debates later in the week; today we worked on the first scenario, fleshing out one side of the argument and beginning to work on the second side. The scenario we used is from Bargaining Games,...
First and fifth period finished the Diary of Anne Frank. We also began wrapping up the Anne first/later impressions work by examining the actual final diary entry (as opposed to the invented entry from the play). Second and fourth periods began working on their...
First and fifth periods continued with The Diary of Anne Frank, beginning with a quiz and a couple re-orientations with the unit, reminders about various things we’re going to be keeping track of in the second act. Second and fourth periods put the net up for...
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