English 8 Strategies classes began a short review of commas, sure to be a major element on next week's ACT-Aspire test. We'll continue tomorrow: it's taking some time because we're using...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
More Peer Editing
All classes worked on peer editing, looking at Friday's practice tests. We've got a week to go -- everyone's getting excited. (No, really!)
Second Practice Writing Test
All students took the second practice writing test for the ACT-Aspire, which will be on Tuesday 28 April. On Monday, we will be assessing them again as we did last week, then doing some more...
Modeled Texts
All students worked on preparing for the ACT-Aspire test, which is in a mere 12 days. English I Honors students worked on the selective response portion of the writing test while English 8...
Additional Test Practice
The ACT-Aspire test is now less than two weeks away. We're still going over the practice material, making sure all students are comfortable with the testing format and reviewing the material to be...
Gallery Walk Peer Editing
It doesn't happen often, but every now and then, almost all classes (with the exception of creative writing) do exactly the same work. Today was such a day. Everyone worked on anonymously evaluating...
Practice Test
All students took a practice ACT-Aspire writing test today. We'll be doing another one next week and a final one the following week as we prepare for the actual test on 28 April.
Testing Review for All
All classes worked on preparing for the ACT-Aspire test. English I Honors students went over the battle plan that English 8 Strategies students began working earlier this week. We'll be spending the...
Practice and Almost Practice
Students in English I spent a final day working on projects before we start a three-day overview of the coming ACT-Aspire test. English 8 Strategies students continued with the practice that English...
Test Prep, Till, and Society
Fourth period English I Honors students began the second writing assignment for Lord of the Flies. Students will be using five principles of sociology to examine the following passage: Roger...
Narrator Trust, Peer Conferencing, and Planning
English 8 Strategies students began their first day of peer conferencing today, with fairly good results. We'll finish up tomorrow and then begin working in earnest on the ACT-Aspire test when we...
Peer Conferencing, Project Planning, and Trustworthiness
English 8 Strategies students continued their week-long peer conferencing work. We finished the practice today and tomorrow will turn to actual peer conferencing. Fourth period English I Honors...