
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Final Planning and Nightjohn

English Studies students (fifth period) began chapter five in Nightjohn, and we began slowly transitioning our effective reader skills/"It Says, I Say" work to its intended end: small discussion...

Just the Homework

Just the Homework

As Sgt. Joe Friday might say if he were a teacher on a Friday afternoon, "Just the homework, ma'am. Just the homework."

Pair Application, Finishing Four, and Final Story

English Strategies students (fourth period) applied the skills they worked on during Monday's and Tuesday's classes with a partner to a new selection, an informational text about slaves and...

Effective Readers, Context Clues, and Irony

English I Honors students began their final set of stories for the short story/writing about literature unit. We'll be finishing the unit up this week and moving on to poetry. English Strategies...

Effective Readers, Planning, and Context Clues

English Studies began working on chapter four of Nightjohn, using effective readers' skills to interact with the text. We'll finish up tomorrow and write our latest journal entry. English Strategies...

Moodle, Narrators, and Context Clues

English Strategies students (fourth period) had an administrative day: getting passwords for various sites squared away and saved, learning about a new site (Moodle), and doing weekly...

Context Clues, Magical Realism, and Meeting Nightjohn

English Studies continued with yesterday's work on using context clues to determine a word's meaning. We have four rules from yesterday that they began applying today: Look for synonyms/definitions...

Themes, Context, and a Socratic Seminar

Themes, Context, and a Socratic Seminar

English Strategies students had a fantastic day today, working in groups to determine themes in chapter two of Nightjohn. We ended the day with a solid Class Dojo percentage, which confirmed what I...

Meeting Nightjohn and Planning

English Strategies worked on some re-teaching practice to fix some issues that arose from last week's work. English Studies moved on to the third chapter and the accompanying journal assignment...

Friday Shortcuts

Rather than rehash the day (it's Friday and we're all tired), let's just get to the homework...

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