
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Anne Frank Encounters

English Strategies students worked on their introductions to Anne Frank. Most students were able to get through the introductory material and take the interactive tour of Anne's hiding place....

Drawing Mistress and Rules for Sonnet

Drawing Mistress and Rules for Sonnet

Today in class we started off the day by getting with a partner and comparing last nights homework.We also started another sonnet; Sonnet 130.We got to do a fun activity which was to draw how we...

A New Sonnet

Today in English I class we finished up paraphrasing Sonnet 29. We also began working on Sonnet 18 and figured out what it meant and started paraphrasing it with a partner.

Anne Frank Introductions

English Strategies students began our second unit, which will explore Anne Frank, her diary, and the play created from it. English Studies students continued with the second unit, looking the...


Today in class we went over Sonnet 29 and learned what it meant. We took notes on how to understand Shakespeare. We also began paraphrasing Sonnet 29. Here are our paraphrases: 6th period: When I am...

Reward and New Unit

English Strategies students (fourth period) returned from the Donaldson Center tour with only twenty minutes remaining in class, so since they did such excellent work last week, I just let them have...

First Encounters with Shakespeare

First Encounters with Shakespeare

Today in class we made an insanely long sentence by adding words after words to create it.We also made our first encounter with Shakespeare, we read Sonnet 29 and divided  up the sonnet by creating...

Villanelles, Project Completion, and a Debate

English I Honors students are approaching the end of the poetry unit by looking at villanelles today. They used inductive reasoning (specifics to general) to determine what a villanelle is. To get a...

Projects and a Poem

English I Honors finished up with Collins's "The Lanyard" and moved toward the end of our work on tonal shift and the lyric moment by looking at Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art," my personal favorite....

Film Comparison and an Argument

English Studies completed the argument review in preparation for this week's debate about the two presentations of Sarny we've now covered. English Strategies continued viewing selected scenes from...



Today in class we read "Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night".We went over the tone of the poem and discussed what the poem was about.We learned that this poem was a Tonal Shift poem which is a...

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