English Studies had their first of two debate preparations. They worked on claims, reasons, counterclaims, and rebuttals. We'll have the debate on Friday, and it should be exciting. English...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Film Comparison and an Argument
English Studies completed the argument review in preparation for this week's debate about the two presentations of Sarny we've now covered. English Strategies continued viewing selected scenes from...
Today in class we read "Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night".We went over the tone of the poem and discussed what the poem was about.We learned that this poem was a Tonal Shift poem which is a...
Sound Devices, Argument, and Comparison
English I Honors students worked on sound devices with poetry. We focused on a couple of poems, including the famous "My Papa's Waltz." We'll finish up tomorrow before moving on to tone. English...
Connotation Completion, Project Completion, and a Facebook Page
English Strategies students (fourth period) worked on some culminating work for Nightjohn by creating Facebook pages for various characters in the novel. It was a fun activity that made sure all...
Connotation, Comparison, and Near Completion
English I Honors continued with the poetry work, still focusing on connotations. Our poem for this has been Robert Hayden's excellent "Those Winter Sundays." English Studies (fifth period) completed...
Comparison, Themes, and Connotation
English Studies (fifth period) began looking at the film version of Nightjohn to compare it to the book. We'll be working on this all week. English Strategies (fourth period) completed chapter five,...
Friday Homework
It's Friday -- homework only today.
Introduction, Project, and Summaries
English I Honors dug into Billy Collins's "Introduction to Poetry." We used some of the basic skills of poetic interpretation and came up with some really messily annotated papers. English...
Interpretation, Summarizing, and a Project
English 8 Strategies (fourth period) did some work on summarizing as well as using specific effective readers' skills. We'll finish chapter five tomorrow. English 8 Studies (fifth period) worked on...
Poetry, Chapter Five, and a Project
English Studies (fifth period) worked on their Nightjohn project. We'll have a couple of more days to work on this. English I Honors continued with the introductory lesson on the poetry unit. We...
Poetry and Themes
English Studies began their final project for the Nightjohn unit, a project which focuses on themes in the novel. Students will be integrating Prezi with audio recordings to make a self-presenting...