English Strategies and English Studies both worked on their summaries for scene three. English I Honors students looked at the question of whether or not Romeo and Juliet are really in love, using a...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Quiz, Presentations, and Summaries
English Strategies students worked on their summaries and comprehension questions for scene three in Diary of Anne Frank. (Both of these assignments are available at moodle.ourenglishclass.net.)...
Most Famous Scene in R&J
Today in English I we started the most famous scene of Romeo and Juliet (Act II Scene II). We acted out this scene and analyzed it.
Anne Frank Scene Three
English Strategies students finished reading the third scene from the first act. We'll be working on the summaries tomorrow. English Studies students had their first presentation, which covered the...
Tweets , Acting, and Quiz Practice
Today in English I we started off the class by tweeting about Act 1 scene 5. We later acted a part of Act 1 scene 5 and analyzed it.We had a bit of time to work on the study guide and started to...
All classes worked on resumes today, work done in compliance with the Greenville County Schools system counseling program for middle school students.We will be having career day tomorrow, so with...
Finishing Discussion, Finishing Preparation, Finishing Drawing
English I Honors students finished a two-day close-read of the passage in Romeo and Juliet in which Mercutio carries on about Queen Mab: O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you. She is the...
Anne Frank Scene Three, Romeo and Juliet Scene Three, and Holocaust Denial
English Studies students (fifth period) today began looking at a Holocaust denial argument as we continue working through Anne Frank. We'll be working on it the rest of the week as we analyze the...
Diary, Practice, and Debriefing
English I Honors students went on a field trip to see a production of Hamlet. We spent class time debriefing the play and dealing with a critical issue in the play: Hamlet feigns insanity, but there...
Twitter, Planning, and Love
English I Honors students began working on scenes two, three, and four of the first act of Romeo and Juliet. We're looking at how various characters in the play view love. We'll finish up tomorrow....
Summaries and Tweets in Class
English Strategies (fourth period) finished up their 1.2 summaries for Anne Frank and went to the library. We'll be moving on the scene three Monday. English Studies and English I Honors classes...
Romeo and Juliet and Anne Frank
English I Honors continued with the first scene of Romeo and Juliet. English Strategies began working on the summary for act 1 scene 2 of Anne Frank. English Studies finished the summaries.