
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Out Sick

I was out sick today. We will return to regularly scheduled programming Monday. English I Honors students, don't forget to work on your Romeo and Juliet projects, which will be due on Monday evening...

MAP Spring 2016 Day 2

Eighth graders finished up the MAP test today. We'll be returning to normal programming tomorrow. English Studies and Strategies students worked on logic puzzles instead of forging ahead with new...

Article Practice and More

Article Practice and More

English 8 Studies and Strategies both went over some additional steps for annotating the article of the week. Afterward, Strategies went over yesterday's test while Studies did some practice...

A Test, a Quiz, and More

English 8 Strategies students had a test on the MAP preparation work they completed over the last few days. We'll be starting a new unit as soon as MAP testing is over this week. English 8 Studies...

Practice Test, Wrapping Up, and Turning In

English I Honors had time to complete a final check of their work for the Romeo and Juliet project before turning it in. English 8 Studies had their final day of literature circles for the first...

Cyclops, Figurative Language, and Lit Circles

English 8 Studies (fifth period) continued working on the first round of their lit circles. We'll be finishing up tomorrow and debriefing to decide how to change up the groups before moving on to...

Figurative Language, Poetry, and Calypso

Figurative Language, Poetry, and Calypso

English I Honors finished up a bit of work on Calypso, looking at two additional renditions and a short informational text about the etymology of her name. Afterward, students did a bit of comparing...

Poetry, Point of View, and Calypso

Poetry, Point of View, and Calypso

English 8 Strategies (fourth period) students continued their pre-MAP review with a bit of practice with point of view and the narrator. English 8 Studies began the second part of our lit...

Conflict, Lit Circles, and the Opening Lines

Conflict, Lit Circles, and the Opening Lines

English 8 Strategies continued with our short review for the MAP test by going over types of conflict and identifying them. We'll continue the review next week, but we're now one day ahead of plans....

Odyssey, Inferences, and Reading Groups

Odyssey, Inferences, and Reading Groups

English 8 Strategies students worked on the second half of the inferences review work. We'll finish up tomorrow before moving on to other review topic for the MAP test. English 8 Studies students...

New Starts All Around

New Starts All Around

All classes started new units today. English I Honors will be working on the Odyssey while English Studies students work on The Glory Field. English Strategies students will be joining the Studies...

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