
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Text Marking and Schaffer

English 8 students began creating a model of text annotation that will serve as the goal for the rest of the year, combining the work with our kindness review for the ROCK mini-unit we're working...

Kindness, Close Reading, and Schaffer

English 8 students began a short assessment of their reading and annotating abilities today that will be completed for homework. English I Honors students began learning what the Schaffer model...

First Day 2016

Everything went quite well during our first day of school. All classes went over some basic housekeeping items, with English I Honors students focusing on the academic expectations for the class.

The End 2016

The End 2016

It's the same every year: the kids who say, "Oh, I won't cry. No way!" are the ones often crying the hardest. But it's a touching reassurance that innocence still exists in the world. See you all...

Almost There

Hold on, kids -- we're almost there. Tomorrow, we cry. Trust me -- you will.

Half-Day 1

Half-Day 1

Half-days -- what can we say about them? In theory, they're half as productive as full days, but coming at the end of the year as they do significantly alters that efficiency. Journalism kids...

All Done!

The instructional portion of the 2015-2016 school year is now complete.We will meet with each class once next week, during which time we'll have tears (of joy and sadness, I would imagine), perhaps...

Monster Done in All Classes

Almost -- English 8 Strategies still has a bit of reading to do. All English 8 students will have a chance tomorrow to apply the novel to some extra credit.

Monster Done and Almost

English I Honors finished Monster today and went over the extra credit, finding out whether or not Steve Harmon is guilty. English 8 students are almost done.

Finishing Monster

English I students finished Monster in class today. They have a day to complete an extra credit assignment: Did Steve Harmon actually participate in the robbery? This is available on Google...

More Monster

English I Honors students are about done with the novel. They will have a chance for some extra credit work based off of the novel this week. English 8 students are still working on it.

Social Studies and Monster

Social Studies and Monster

All classes worked on Monster by Walter Dean Myers after today’s SC PASS social studies test. It will culminate in possible extra credit for students. In addition, English I Honors students received...

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