
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Schaffer Analytic Planning 2 and Independent Work

Schaffer Analytic Planning 2 and Independent Work

English I Honors students looked at the incredible story "Thank You, Ma'am" and began the second analytic Schaffer paragraph. English 8 students had their first independent work Friday.  

Character and Effective Readers

Character and Effective Readers

English I Honors continued with their short stories unit by looking at the next story, "The Old Man on the Bridge" by Hemingway. English 8 students worked with effective readers' skills.

Workshop and Effective Readers

English 8 students began a text on slave codes (available here) in anticipation of our first novel, Nightjohn. We also began our year-long use of effective readers' skills (download here) with the...

Socratic Beginnings and Teamwork

English 8 students worked on their first Socratic Seminar today. We'll be trying it later in the quarter for real, but today was simply a chance for everyone to get used to the protocol. English I...

Literacy and Analysis

Literacy and Analysis

English I Honors began the first of several Schaffer analytic paragraphs on short stories. Students had an option to work on "The Most Dangerous Game" or "Harrison Bergeron." English 8 continued the...

Quotes and Literacy

English 8 students began a new unit practicing with the Moodle forum feature to discuss the following questions: Imagine you cannot read: how would that change your life? List three to five things...

Schaffer Analysis, Library, and Finishing Up Moodle

Schaffer Analysis, Library, and Finishing Up Moodle

English 8 students went to the library to pick out a book for their first one pager, which will be due in several weeks. We also worked on replying to each others' posts in Moodle forums and using...

Schaffer Paragraph

Any English I students who have not yet turned in the first Schaffer paragraph assignment (there are eleven of you) need to do so by the end of school tomorrow (8/25). Afterward, I will not accept...

Socratic Seminar and a Forum

Socratic Seminar and a Forum

English I Honors students began preparing for their first analytic Schaffer paragraph, which will deal with the short story "The Sniper." [video width="540" height="540"...

Analysis and Moodle

English I Honors students began the new unit on literary analysis. We looked at the difference between summary and analysis by examining a new poem, "The Gift." English 8 students returned to the...

Housekeeping and Schaffer Completion

All students got introduced to the Article of the Week assignment that was such a success last year. It's time-consuming to explain it all, but since it's a year-long assignment, I wanted to get...

Schaffer Efforts and Close Kindness

English I Honors tried working on their first full solo Schaffer model paragraph today. The topic sentence was the same for everyone: X is Y, where X is someone the students know and Y is some...

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