English I Honors students looked at 5.1, the famous meeting scene in Romeo and Juliet. After a quiz, we looked at how 5.1 contains hidden stage directions in the opening lines. English 8 students...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Social Studies Outlines and Mab
English 8 students continued working with their outlining work in their social studies book. One class finished today; the other will finish tomorrow. English I students went over 1.4 and the famous...
Outlining and Love
English I students worked on the various views of love that various characters have in Romeo and Juliet. English 8 students began applying their new skills in outlining to their social studies...
Addiction, Makeup, and Inference Work
English 8 students did their standard Friday inference work while English I students had an odd, uncommon split day. Third period students had a guest speaker for Red Ribbon Week, and so fourth...
Two Versions and An Outline
English I Honors students compared two version of 1.1 to see how the questionable humor of the original gets translated into less questionable humor. English 8 students began applying their...
Headings and the End of Scene 1
English I Honors students worked on the final portions of the first scene of Romeo and Juliet. We began with a short quiz, of sorts, followed by a quick overview of select passages: English 8...
Donaldson and Outlines
English I Honors did not have class today (by and large) as we returned from the Donaldson Center visit with only a few minutes left for fourth period. Englihs 8 students worked on outlining, this...
Outlining and 1.1
English I students went over the first scene of Romeo and Juliet, adding a few more lines and settling into the story slowly. We'll be spending a few days on this first scene to make sure everyone...
English I Homework
I forgot to post English I's homework!
PSAT and Extra Credit
English I Honors students -- all fifteen of them spread among two classes -- worked on logic puzzles as the vast majority of the students were in the library taking the PSAT during class. English 8...
Project and Test
English I Honors students finished their sonnet projects. English 8 students finished the quarter test with the final part of the test on stems.
Project and Preparation
English I Honors students worked on their sonnet projects. They'll have one more day tomorrow to finish it up. English 8 students finished up work on test materials and prepared for tomorrow's final...