
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…


English I Honors students will have the semester exam on Thursday 5 January Friday 6 January when we return. The study guide and related materials are on the Moodle site.

Last Day Before Break

Last Day Before Break

All classes had a break from the usual routines to share a Polish pre-holiday tradition: the sharing of the oplatek. Of course we didn't have real oplatekow (that would be the genitive case of...

Ballads and Discussion

Both English I Honors and English 8 students have completed units today -- more or less.

Romeo’s Final Speech and Stems

English I Honors students finished up the textual analysis of Romeo and Juliet by examining the poetic mechanics of Romeo's final speech just before he dies: Let me peruse this face. Mercutio's...

Act Four and a Socratic Seminar

In English I, students watched parts of the Romeo and Juliet movie. Students also worked discussed, worked on, and reviewed Act Four. In English 8, students arranged the desk according to the work...

4.3 and Socratic Seminar

4.3 and Socratic Seminar

In English I, students started work on their Act Four Scene Three Comics. In English 8,...

Subtext and Analysis of Subtext

In English I honors, students went over Subtext with Romeo and Juliet Act Four scene one, two, and three. In English 8 students worked in groups and presented on the Seven Habits of a Effective...

Act Four Subtext and Presentations

English 8 students finished up their presentations today. We'll be using them tomorrow in our discussions we begin tomorrow. English I students began act four, looking at subtext in the first two...

Inferences and Project Work

English 8 students did their usual Friday inference and article of the week work. Any student that didn't complete inference practice four need to do so this week or over the weekend. English I...

Finished Act Three and Practice Presentations

In English I, students finished up act three, looking at subtext in scenes two, three, four, and five. We also finished up the study guide in anticipation of tomorrow's test on act three. In English...

Subtext and Presentation Preparation

English I students looked at subtext (reading secondary meanings into text) and began examining how it plays out in 3.2, 3.3., 3.4, and 3.5 of Romeo and Juliet. We introduced the idea with Ned...

Exercise Preparation and 3.5

English 8 students had a little time today to finish up their presentations for the Seven Habits book we've been working on in class. English I students had a quiz on 3.2-3.4 before going over the...

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