
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Calypso and Practice

English I Honors students looked at one final version of Calypso, a song by Suzanne Vega: We'll be wrapping up Calypso tomorrow with a brief discussion -- probably Socratic-seminar-ish. English 8...

Calypso and Solo Interpretation

Calypso and Solo Interpretation

English I Honors began looking at the question of how various artists using various media over various centuries have re-imagined Calypso. We looked at the etymology of Calypso's name: The etymology...

A Prayer and Friday Inferences

English 8 students worked on their Friday inference work. English I Honors students finished up the opening of the Odyssey, seeing in the process that it is a prayer to the Muse for inspiration as...

Odyssey Beginning and Poetry Ending

After building some background knowledge, English I Honors students finally began reading the Odyssey. Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending,...

Poetry and Cornell Notes

English I Honors finished up the background knowledge development for the Odyssey. English 8 students continued with their group work of poetry analysis.

Figurative Language and Background Knowledge

Figurative Language and Background Knowledge

English 8 students began looking at the EQ "What does figurative language add to a poem?" We did some schaffolded work with figurative language: English I students looked at an informational text...

Finishing up the Semester

After going over the semester exam, English I Honors students had just a little more time on the Romeo and Juliet project before it's due tonight. Make sure you get that turned in, kiddos! English 8...

Exam and Friday

English I students had their semester exam. English 8 students continued with poetry in their usual Friday inference work.

Project and Figurative Language

English 8 students finished up the overview of figurative language and next week will begin working on poems that include figurative language. English I students had a final day of work on the Romeo...

Figurative Language and Project Work

English I Honors students continued working on the Romeo and Juliet project. Since we have an exam Friday, we decided it would be best to spend class time working on the project. English 8 students...

Metaphors and a Project

Metaphors and a Project

English I Honors students continued working on the Romeo and Juliet project. We'll have a couple of more days' work in-class this week before the semester exam on Friday. English 8 students worked...

First Day Back

First Day Back

English I Honors students worked on their Romeo and Juliet projects, which will be due next Thursday (January 12). We also went over the mid-term exam, which is coming up this week. We might be...

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