English I Honors students continued working on their narratives in our flipped-classroom experiment. English 8 students worked on their Friday inference work (see lesson plans at right).
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Project Plus
English I Honors students began working on an experimental, flipped-classroom project for the culmination of the Odyssey. We'll be working on this for a week or so, and it's all very experimental,...
Finishing and Starting
English I Honors began the final stages of the Odyssey project. English 8 students began their new unit, a STEAM unit with social studies and math.
Monomyth and Final Poetry
English I Honors students worked with the Joseph Campbell text on the monomyth. We'll be finishing it up tomorrow. English 8 students began their final project for the poetry unit.
Monomyth and Figurative Interpretation
English I Honors students began working on a look at the monomyth (i.e., Joseph Campbell) and how the Odyssey is an example of that. We'll be finishing up the Odyssey shortly. English 8 students are...
Allusions and Figurative Language
English 8 students continued with poetry and figurative language, working to be able to understand what figurative language adds to a text. English I Honors students continued with the Odyssey and...
It's a homework-only day.
Homeric Similes and Figurative Language Completed
English I Honors worked on mastering the Homeric simile, something that's initially fairly but deceptively straightforward. Close reading, in other words. English 8 students had a final day of...
Figurative Language Practice and a Seminar
English 8 students had a second day of figurative language practice while finishing up the small poetry analysis assignment we've been working on. We went over yesterday's practice before we got...
Calypso and Practice
English I Honors students looked at one final version of Calypso, a song by Suzanne Vega: We'll be wrapping up Calypso tomorrow with a brief discussion -- probably Socratic-seminar-ish. English 8...
Calypso and Solo Interpretation
English I Honors began looking at the question of how various artists using various media over various centuries have re-imagined Calypso. We looked at the etymology of Calypso's name: The etymology...
A Prayer and Friday Inferences
English 8 students worked on their Friday inference work. English I Honors students finished up the opening of the Odyssey, seeing in the process that it is a prayer to the Muse for inspiration as...