
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

MAP Spring 2017

MAP Spring 2017

Students took the spring MAP test today, which means almost everyone got a day off: it's one of the few days that I let kids have a break. What did most English I students do instead of relaxing?...

MAP 2017

Spring MAP test tomorrow. Homework for everyone: rest.

First Lit Circle and Main Idea Practice

English 8 students finished up their practice of determining the main idea of a text. English I Honors students worked on their first lit circle, debriefing in a forum afterward to make sure things...

MAP Prep and First Circles

English 8 students began a three-day whirlwind MAP preparation by filling in a topic we really hadn't worked on to this point this year, determining the main idea of a nonfiction text. English I...

Friday Work and Voice

English I Honors students began a short look at how to create voice in writing by examining the first few pages of To Kill a Mockingbird to look for various elements used to create voice. English 8...

Beginning and Ending

English I Honors students began To Kill a Mockingbird today, looking at the question of voice in the opening pages after completing our Socratic Seminar. English 8 students finished up the selection...


A reminder to students in English I Honors: if you are not satisfied with your grade for the narrative lessons we had on Moodle, please speak with Mr. Scott about an additional assignment you can...

Socratic Seminars

All classes had Socratic Seminars. English I Honors students will need to finish their seminars tomorrow.


Ironically, all classes in one form or another prepared for a Socratic Seminar tomorrow. English I Honors will be working off the reading we had in class today about Jim Crow laws as we begin To...

Annotating and Narratives

English I Honors continued working on their narratives. Tomorrow will be the last day in class. Students will need to work on their rubrics at home (see below). English 8 students had their last day...

Narrative Foci and Second Text

English I Honors had a quick quiz on the at-home, flipped-class narrative lessons the have been working on. Our focus today was on dialogue and avoiding verb tense shifts. English 8 students began...

Narrative and Socratic Seminar

English I Honors students continued working on their narrative assignment.  We'll be having a quiz on the flipped-classroom material tomorrow. English 8 students finished up their Socratic Seminar...

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