English I Honors began working on a culminating writing assignment for Mockingbird. English 8 students continued working on the culminating project for our "Move to Freedom" STEAM unit.
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Mystery Solved and Text Imagined
English I Honors finished up working on chapter twenty-four and solved the mystery of what Miss Maudie meant by, "His food doesn't stick going down, does it?" English 8 students finished up the...
Project and Chapter 24
English I Honors began a two-day look at chapter 24 in To Kill a Mockingbird, one of the most confusing but ultimately rewarding chapters in the book. English 8 students continued working on their...
Moral Ranking and Project Work
English I Honors students finished up with the trial portion of the novel by looking at how we might rank ethically various characters from the novel: Mr. Dolphus Raymond Miss Maudie Aunt Alexandra...
Trial Over Project Started
English 8 students began their final project for their current unit. English I Honors completed the trial portion of the novel.
Friday Update
English I Honors students continued working on their very close reading and diagramming of the case against Tom Robinson. [gallery type="rectangular" size="medium"...
The Case, Lit Circles, and a Old-Style Classroom
English I Honors students worked on their diagrams of the testimony within the case against Tom Robinson. The first day's work is available here at the Moodle site for students who were absent....
Pre-Trial and Lit Circles
English I Honors continued with the lit circles for To Kill a Mockingbird, looking at two issues (whether or not Atticus made a good decision in representing Robinson considering the potential risk...
Quarter 3 Stems Test
The third-quarter stems test will be on 21 March 2017. This is a list of the stems that we have covered thus far this year in the Article of the Week assignment.
Lit Circles All Around
All classes worked on lit circles today. English I students continued with the Mockingbird circles. We'll be moving on to the next section of readings shortly, but we'll be taking them one chapter...
Field Trip
We all had a field trip to Roper Mountain today, so most students didn't have class. That doesn't mean they don't have homework, though.
Back to Normal
English I Honors students returned to Mockingbird to look at some tough word choices that appear because of its nature as a Southern novel. English 8 students returned for the final text portion of...