English I Honors had another day of EOC preparation. We used an informational text as our practice today and looked quickly at using subordinating conjunctions to join sentences. English 8 students...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
EOC 2017 Preparation Resources
Here are a couple of resources to help you prepare on your own: Download the review sheet from class. (Remember: the propaganda materials will not be on the EOC.) Use the online resources at the...
EOC Prep and the End of Act One
English 8 students are finishing up the first act of The Diary of Anne Frank. We'll be finishing scene five tomorrow. English I Honors students had their first of four days dedicated solely to End...
Final Reward Day
Today was the final reward day of the year, so all classes were shorter. English 8 students finished scene four, and a few managed to start scene five. English I Honors students had a double reward...
Lit Circles and Final Phrase Work
English 8 students began scene four after looking at the conflicts already present in the play. English I Honors students worked on a phrase review in preparation for a test coming later.
Social Studies Test and General Work
English I Honors students went over last night's homework of five sentences to analyze. We'll be applying this in a more general manner next week. English 8 students continued working on their Anne...
Field Test and Lit Groups
English I Honors had the EOC field test today. We'll be having a quiz on chapters 21-30 tomorrow, so students need to make sure they're ready for that. The actual EOC is not until Friday 19 May....
Reading Day and Lit Circles
English 8 students continued with their lit circles for The Diary of Anne Frank. All students should now be done with act one scene two and all the accompanying work. English I Honors students went...
Sentence Types and Lit Circles
After going over the extensive phrase homework, which has excited students so much that it is with the greatest regret that they realize we could have done sentence diagramming proper this year,...
Lit Circles and Clauses
English I students continued working with sentence analysis in Great Expectations. English 8 students continued with the lit circles for The Diary of Anne Frank.
Final Lit Circles and Skimming
English 8 students worked on The Diary of Anne Frank, evolving our reading into a lit circle format, which will take us through the end of the year. English I Honors students heard positively...
Sentence Analysis and Summarizing
English 8 students began a cross-curricular bit of work (working with Ms. George, the writing teacher) on creating objective summaries. English I students continued with the phrase work we've been...