
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Socratic Seminar and Background Knowledge

Socratic Seminar and Background Knowledge

English 8 students began their new unit on Nightjohn. We began building background knowledge today so that we can make better sense of the book as we begin. English I Honors students had their first...

New POV and a New View of Literacy

New POV and a New View of Literacy

English I Honors students began working on their newest literary criticism effort, this time dealing with the effect of point of view on the narrative structure. We began by exploring the truism...

Friday Overview

English I Honors students were working on their "Dangerous Game" paragraphs today. English 8 students had their first taste of Friday inference work. And journalism students continued their first...

Socratic Seminar, First Paragraph, and Assessments

Socratic Seminar, First Paragraph, and Assessments

English 8 students had their first Socratic Seminar today. It was, given the fact that it's the first time we did it, a splendid success. English I Honors students began planning their first...

Group Practice, a New Unit, and the Inverted Pyramid

English 8 students worked on applying the effective readers' skills in groups using "Thank You, Ma'am" as the example text. We'll continue working on it tomorrow. English I Honors students began the...

Analysis and Effective Readers

Analysis and Effective Readers

English I Honors students began looking at the difference between summarizing and analyzing by looking at a poem by Li-Young Lee called "The Gift" and examining example summaries and analyses of the...

First Friday

First Friday

We survived our first week -- a short week to be sure, but we survived it nonetheless. English I Honors students had some more time with their parts of speech project after going over the Schaffer...

Finishing Up and Schaffer Planning

Finishing Up and Schaffer Planning

English 8 students worked on their article of the week assignment, learning a bit more about how to annotate the text. They also had a chance to work on Moodle again, learning their way around the...

Schaffer and Tools

Schaffer and Tools

English 8 students did a little more group practice with the Article of the Week and how we annotate it. Afterward, students began exploring Moodle, the course management software we'll be using....

First Day 2017

We sailed through the first day without any issues in English class. All students went over the Article of the Week assignment, which is 10% of English I Honors students' grade and 15% of English 8...

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