
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Work Day

English I Honors had a work day today, spending most of the class period working with a partner on their latest Schaffer analytic paragraphs. We'll be turning them in tomorrow during class. English...

Planning, Inferences, Book Fair, and Chess

Planning, Inferences, Book Fair, and Chess

English I Honors students worked on their planning for their third Schaffer paragraph. We'll be finishing up in class Monday, so make sure you are done with your regular planning and writing and...

Finishing and Chapter Three

English I Honors students completed the parts of speech presentations. They've now covered all eight parts of speech: nouns pronouns adjectives verbs adverbs prepositions conjunctions interjections...

Motifs, Verbs, and More

English 8 students began looking at what a motif is (a repeating image or idea that appears throughout a literary work) as we began moving toward the question of what a theme is and how to determine...

Comprehension and Characterization

English I students began working on their third topic in the short stories unit, this time on characterization. English 8 students, after some technical difficulties that I think I've finally...

Pronouns and Voice

Pronouns and Voice

English 8 students went over the final part of the voice and diction lesson, learning how diction (word choice) contributes to voice (the distinctive sound of an author or text). We looked at...

“Dangerous Game” General Notes

These are notes that apply to everyone though not necessarily everyone did these things: Never say "I think" or "I believe" in argumentative writing. It's obvious you think that, else you wouldn't...

Friday Work and Planning

English 8 students completed their normal Friday work on inferences. Since no article of the week was due today, they didn't have the AOW video. English I Honors students worked on their final draft...

Quotes and Diction

Quotes and Diction

English 8 students worked on diction and voice. We examined some passages from Nightjohn in which the narrator, Sarny, "sounds like a slave," as one student aptly described. We looked at the...

Quote Integration and the Start of the Novel

Quote Integration and the Start of the Novel

English I Honors students worked on their quote integration skills with topics and quotes from "The Sniper," a story we read earlier in the year. Students worked on developing the skills necessary...

New Writing and Friday Inference Work

English 8 students worked on their Friday inference work that we will be doing through at least the first semester. English I Honors students worked on their newest Schaffer paragraph, which is on...

Schaffer Planning and a Lesson about Habits

English I Honors students worked on planning a Schaffer paragraph based of the topic sentence we came up with yesterday. Here are the ideas they came up with today: Third period: TS: You can’t...

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