
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Sonnets and Tone

Sonnets and Tone

English 8 students looked at the question of tone (the author's/narrator's opinion of the subject at hand) in "The Tell-Tale Heart." English I Honors students finished up their second sonnet, number...

Back Again

Back Again

I've not been updating this web site all week because of a simple fact: I've been moving it to a new host, with three-times the resources. Things should be clicking along very well on the site now....


All classes took a test today. Homework only in that case.

Tonal Exception and Test Prep

Tonal Exception and Test Prep

English I Honors students worked on the poem "My Papa's Waltz," learning that sometimes you can over-analyze a poem, especially when it comes to connotation. English 8 students prepared for their...

Benchmark 2

Benchmark 2

We had to take another day to finish up the district-mandated benchmark test. Everyone worked on the article of the week for a while as a bell-ringer, though. We'll be getting back to work...


All students took the district-mandated fall benchmark test today.

Theme and Tone

Theme and Tone

English I Honors students finished up "The Lanyard" and our examination of tone in that poem. We discovered that the humor comes from the tone. English 8 students looked at theme in Nightjohn.

Lanyard and NJ Completion

English I Honors students worked on Billy Collins's poem "The Lanyard" as we finish up looking at tone, tonal shift, and the lyric moment. English 8 students worked on completing Nightjohn and...


I was out today with a sick child. All classes were to continue with yesterday's work.

Chapter Six and Tonal Shift

Chapter Six and Tonal Shift

English 8 students worked on Nightjohn, chapter 6, preparing for a test we'll be having after fall break. We'll be finishing up the novel this week. English I Honors students began a three-day...

Friday Work and Connotation

Friday Work and Connotation

English I students finished up their work on connotations in "Those Winter Sundays." We also did a little work on parts of speech in preparation for next week's test. The kids will be having an...

Connotation and Chapter 5 Predictions and Themes

English I Honors students looked at a lovely poem by Robert Hayden, "Those Winter Sundays." Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold, then with cracked hands...

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