
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Final Day and 3.1

Final Day and 3.1

English I Honors had a whoosh through 3.1 of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare is starting to turn the screws increasingly tighter, making things more and more challenging for our young lovers. We'll be...

Field Trip

Eighth-grade students went to the Roper Mountain  Science Center for a presentation on waves and stars. Most classes did not meet. Homework from yesterday stands.

Penultimate Prep Day and a Test

Penultimate Prep Day and a Test

English I Honors had their act 2 test. We'll begin act 3 after our field trip tomorrow. English 8 began with their article of the week. We went over some annotations they should have completed at...

Reminder for E1 Students

Remember to complete the first play discussion forum on the Moodle site by Friday, December 15.

Act 2 Review and Project Work

Act 2 Review and Project Work

English I Honors students, after going briefly over last week's article of the week (I was out yesterday), reviewed act 2 in preparation for tomorrow's test. We went over the study guide then took...

Soliloquy and Project Work

Soliloquy and Project Work

English I Honors students finished up Friar Laurence's soliloquy in 2.3: The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, Chequering the eastern clouds with streaks of light, And flecked darkness...

Starting the Project and Motifs

Starting the Project and Motifs

English I Honors students worked on two motifs that appear throughout Romeo and Juliet: light/dark and fate. We'll be looking for these things throughout the rest of the play. English 8 began their...

Sick Day

Out with a sick little boy today.

MAP 2017 Day 1

All students took the winter MAP reading test today. That means all other classes met only for half a hour. English I Honors students finished up yesterday's work by looking at the Royal Shakespeare...

Outlining and the Balcony Scene

Outlining and the Balcony Scene

English 8 students worked on outlining in preparation for the project we'll begin shortly on the habits of effective teens. Today we used a text about paradigms to practice our outlining. We focused...

December Friday

December Friday

English I Honors students had their act 1 test on Romeo and Juliet. English 8 students did their Friday inference work. And here are this week's Dojo 100% Clubs

Practice Test and Outlining

English I students finished up the first act of Romeo and Juliet. We had a practice test today to see what the actual test tomorrow will look like. English 8 students began combining skills, using...

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