The presentation Mr. Jim Bannister had with students last week is available here. You will need a valid Greenville County Schools Google account to view it.
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Research and Figurative Language
English I students began a quick review of research. Today we just went over the topic of the research paper, the murder of Emmett Till. We read an informational text, looked at a three-minute...
Figurative Practice and Three Versions
English I Honors students looked at the three different versions of the final events in Mockingbird, getting ready for a closer examination tomorrow. (Notes are below.) English 8 students worked on...
Math Testing and End of Quarter Work
All students spent the first two hours of the day taking the district-mandated benchmark test for math. (Yesterday followed the same schedule, with the reading test in play rather than the math...
Tuesday’s Work
Third and Fourth Periods This is where you will do your work for today. The three questions are ordered in their title (i.e., 1, 2, 3). Make sure you answer them in order. Then go back and respond...
Professional View and Figurative Language
English 8 students worked on a brief overview of figurative language, reviewing: metaphor, simile, personification, and hyperbole. They'll be using it in class tomorrow for some identification...
Sticking Food and a Poem
English I Honors students went over the Missionary Society tea party passage in To Kill a Mockingbird. We're working toward the discovery of the irony that's at the heart of the passage. English 8...
Tea Party and a Test
English 8 students had their third-quarter vocabulary test today. They'll have a chance to do corrections, with the average of the two grades counting, starting tomorrow. English I Honors students...
Field Trip and New Unit
English 8 students began a new unit, with a mystery EQ which students were to determine at the end of the day. English I Honors students had a quiz on To Kill a Mockingbird and used the time while...
TDA and Decompression
All eighth graders took the Text Dependent Analysis portion of the district-mandated quarterly benchmark test today. As such, most students were fairly exhausted when they got to class, and since...
TDA and Chess
Today being reward day for the third quarter, all classes were shorter than usual. English I Honors students worked on Text Dependent Analysis questions in preparation for Monday's TDA benchmark....
Trial and Friday Work on Thursday
English 8 students did their Friday inference/make-up work today since we'll have a shortened day tomorrow due to reward day. English I students had their final day of trial analysis, and some...