English I Honors students took the first part of the End of Course Exam today, which was the writing test. Students worked on the test from 8:30 until they finished it, which was generally around...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Final Test Prep and the Start of Scene 5
English I Honors students have the first part of the End of Course exam tomorrow. We spent the day going over one last standard that I had missed (the use of semicolons -- nothing major there) and...
Post-Testing Monday
The smoke has cleared and we made it through a week of testing. Today English I Honors students wrapped up their work on phrases by looking at how to use phrase fluence to join sentences. We also...
Testing 2018, Day 0
Tomorrow, we begin our state-mandated testing for the year. We will have the writing test tomorrow. No homework today or for the rest of the week.
Acting and Last Day of Trip
English I Honors had a day for catching up since a sizeable number of students are still on their Beta Club trip up north. English 8 students had their final day of performances for The Diary of...
Motifs and Final Practice
We had our final practice session today in English 8. English I Honors students finished up chapters 11-20 with a check of their comprehension of the quick-read strategies we've been working on.
Finish 1.2 and Learning to Speed Read
English I Honors worked on speed reading today. Sort of. We went over a few ways to determine whether one needs to read carefully a given passage of Dickens or one needs merely to skim the passage....
Maps and Tours
English I Honors students went over the second general plan that Dickens uses for his chapters in Great Expectations. Students in English 8 students took a break from the play today since we had a...
Initial Drama and a Chapter Map
English 8 students began acting out The Diary of Anne Frank in class with sometimes-comic results. We were working on close reading of the text -- really close reading, it turned out. We'll finish...
End of Sentences, Building Background Knowledge
English I Honors students completed a two-day look at how Dickens builds his sentences. English 8 students went through an activity designed to raise their awareness of what happened to the Jews of...
First Day Back
English 8 students had a Socratic Seminar as the initiation of our newest and last substantial unit. We looked at a few questions about being a hero: What is it? What does a hero do? Who can be a...
Spring Break
Everyone finished what we were working on -- enjoy spring break!