
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Objectivity and a Worsened Situation

English I students, feeling the strain of having lost a day of instruction time and falling even further behind with Romeo and Juliet, went through 3.5 and saw just how desperate the situation now...

Acting after Cutting and Clearing up Work

Acting after Cutting and Clearing up Work

English I Honors students performed their cut (and curt) versions of 3.2 and 3.3. Aside from a few flubs here and there, where students cut more than they should have and made the passage just a bit...

Argument, Audience, and Cutting

Argument, Audience, and Cutting

English 8 students continued working on the importance of praise by analyzing an article for the argument and the audience. English I Honors students worked on their cutting their given scenes...

Return 2018

Our first day back was fairly successful. English I students began a multi-day lesson on how to evaluate Shakespeare's text and -- gasp -- cut portions that are not necessary, strictly speaking....

Half Day Before Break

Half Day Before Break

Today was just a half day -- fun and games for everyone. Enjoy the break. You guys deserve it.

Oplatek 2017

Oplatek 2017

Today being the last full day before the winter break, we experienced an old new custom here in class: the oplatek tradition.

Project Work and Presentations

Project Work and Presentations

English I Honors students began working on their first song for the soundtrack project: "Decoration Day." We planned three Schaffer paragraphs (of which we will be writing two) and worked in...

Final Day and 3.1

Final Day and 3.1

English I Honors had a whoosh through 3.1 of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare is starting to turn the screws increasingly tighter, making things more and more challenging for our young lovers. We'll be...

Field Trip

Eighth-grade students went to the Roper Mountain  Science Center for a presentation on waves and stars. Most classes did not meet. Homework from yesterday stands.

Penultimate Prep Day and a Test

Penultimate Prep Day and a Test

English I Honors had their act 2 test. We'll begin act 3 after our field trip tomorrow. English 8 began with their article of the week. We went over some annotations they should have completed at...

Reminder for E1 Students

Remember to complete the first play discussion forum on the Moodle site by Friday, December 15.

Act 2 Review and Project Work

Act 2 Review and Project Work

English I Honors students, after going briefly over last week's article of the week (I was out yesterday), reviewed act 2 in preparation for tomorrow's test. We went over the study guide then took...

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