
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Friday Work and Logical Friday

Friday Work and Logical Friday

English 8 students did they're typical Friday inference work. English I Honors students, after four weeks of heavy lifting, took something of a break once their latest writing assignment was...

Voice and Assessing

Voice and Assessing

English I Honors examined some sample paragraphs that I wrote about "The Cask of Amontillado" and evaluated them based on the project rubric. Once we debriefed as a class, students paired up again...

Voice and the Second Schaffer Paragraph

Voice and the Second Schaffer Paragraph

All classes began with some work on the article of the week, either this week's or last week's. English 8 focused on this week's. English I Honors focused on last week's, briefly going over the...

Reading Poe and Finishing Discussions

Reading Poe and Finishing Discussions

English 8 students worked on completing their Schaffer discussion from last week after going over the graded effective readers' skills work from last week. Of course they started with the article of...

Friday Inference Work and Schaffer Planning

Friday Inference Work and Schaffer Planning

English I Honors completed the Socratic Seminar for "In the Family" as the introduction to the Socratic Seminar format. Afterward, we did a quite Schaffer planning session. English 8 students worked...

Socratic Seminars

Socratic Seminars

Both English I students and English 8  students conducted Socratic Seminars today. English I students discussed the short story "In the Family," which is the next story in our short story/writing...

Point of View and Finishing Effective Reader Skills

Point of View and Finishing Effective Reader Skills

English I Honors students continued working on the short story/analysis unit, moving on to the second group of stories for our next paragraph, which will have to do with point of view. We worked on...

Paragraph Turn In and First Library Trip

English I Honors students turned in their first Schaffer paragraphs today. Together we went through how they'll be anonymously providing others with feedback. I modeled the process by accessing an...

First True Friday

Last week's Friday didn't count -- we didn't do Friday things in English 8. Today, we did: we began working on our traditional Friday work, which includes working on inferences with a text and a bit...

First Solo Paragraphs and Effective Reading Skills

First Solo Paragraphs and Effective Reading Skills

Of course, we began with our article of the week work. English 8 began Nightjohn by applying effective readers' skills to given passages. We'll continue that tomorrow. English I Honors students...

First Full Schaffer and Unit Beginning

First Full Schaffer and Unit Beginning

English I Honors students began with a review of the homework, which involved integrating quotes into one's own text. They also created their first full (well, almost full) analytic Schaffer...

Quote Integration and Unit Conclusion

Quote Integration and Unit Conclusion

English 8 students concluding the introductory ROCK unit by looking at how kindness can appear in the classroom. We're done with the bookkeeping stuff; now it's time to get serious. English I Honors...

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