
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

A Test and Text Structures

A Test and Text Structures

English 8 students finished the overview of text structures today, going over cause/effect and problem/solution today. We saw that these two structures can be very similar and in fact can lead one...

Test Review and Text Structures

Test Review and Text Structures

English I Honors students went over Romeo and Juliet act 2 and the linguistic elements we've been examining with that act: inverted sentences elliptical constructions parallel structure We'll be...


English I students finished their look at act 2 by going through four scenes at one shot by viewing a performance of the scenes without the text in front of them. Afterward, we went over some basic...

Concluding Parallelism and More Summarizing

Concluding Parallelism and More Summarizing

English I students began with work on this week's article, as usual: English I Honors AOW notes We concluded their work with parallel structure (parallelism), inverted sentences, and elliptical...

Parallel Structure and Summarizing

Parallel Structure and Summarizing

English I Honors went over parallel structure (also known as parallelism or parallel construction) and then looked at a few examples from Romeo and Juliet: Afterward, we applied it and other...

Extra Credit Materials and Things to Turn In

Here is a link to the various versions of 2.2 we viewed in class. It's lacking the Leo DiCaprio version, but I'm sure you'll find that easily enough on YouTube. Materials you need to turn in by...

Presentations and Prep

English 8 students continued working on their Seven Habits of Effective Teens as part of their quarterly STEAM project. Students are working on outlining as a means to create objective summaries. We...

A Note About Lesson Plans for the Week of 12/17

Due to the shortening of this week (two days out and a half day, during which many students were absent and thus were devoted to administrative tasks and makeup work) and the relatively shortened...

Project Starts and Balcony Finishes

English I Honors started the final work on the balcony scene, looking today at specific linguistic and literary elements: Are there any references to the motif we’ve been tracing? What is it? How...

Balcony Madness and Friday Work

English 8 worked on their regular inference work today after finishing up their paradigm outline practice. We'll be turning to The Seven Habits of Effective Teens on Monday to apply all these...

Balcony and Applied Outlines

English 8 students began applying their summarizing and outlining skills to a short chapter in The Seven Habits of Effective Teens. We'll be working on this through winter break. English I Honors...

Project Beginnings and Outline Work

English I Honors had an odd day since third period was not able to meet during the entire period without interruptions due to kids coming back from MAP testing. We watched a little of Romeo + Juliet...

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