
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

EOC Writing and Anne Frank

English I students had the first part of their EOC this morning. Because so many students took well into third and fourth periods, we basically had a reading day since there was no point covering...

EOC Final Prep and the End of Scene 5

English 8 students finished the first act of The Diary of Anne Frank. We will be completing act 2 in a slightly different way, applying some of the close-reading skills we've been working on this...

A Final Project

Both English I Honors and English 8 worked, in their own ways, toward their final projects as eighth graders in my class. English I Honors students began their first of four final writing...

Active/Passive Anne Frank

English I Honors students did a quick review of active/passive voice. English 8 students continued with Diary of Anne Frank.

End of Simple Week

As most of the English I students were on the Beta Club trip, we didn't do anything new in English I Honors. However, we will have a very busy week as we prepare for the writing portion of the End...

The Cave and the Annex

English 8 students began reading and examining in earnest The Diary of Anne Frank. We'll be reading it in class for the first act, changing to literature circles and presentations for the second...



Mr. Jim Bannister, a local attorney who has much experience in criminal law, visited our class today to help students evaluate the job that Atticus Finch did in representing Tom Robinson. [gallery...

Anne Frank and TDA

English 8 students continued getting background information necessary for understanding Anne Frank. We'll be starting the play shortly. English I Honors students worked on TDA strategies before our...

Works Cited and Poetry Work

English I Honors students worked on research just a little more, reviewing the sweet intricacies of MLA citations. Students were rapt in fascination about the near perfect beauty of the MLA (8th...

Research and Ballads

Research and Ballads

English I students built the foundation for a quick one-week unit on research and inquiry skills/standards. We'll be using the tragedy of Emmett Till and its effect on the Civil Rights movement as...

Individual Practice and Differentiation

English I Honors worked on a couple of things: students who weren't happy with their understanding of independent/subordinate clauses worked with me in a small group; students who felt fairly...

Chapter 24 and Poetry

Chapter 24 and Poetry

English I Honors students began tackling the tricky 24th chapter in TKMB today. They solved a few problems and saw just how challenging the text can be. [gallery columns="2"...

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