English I students completed their final assignment -- the letter to next year's students. English 8 students finished the Diary of Anne Frank project. We're done!
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Finishing Flies, Almost Finishing Anne
English I Honors students went over the final bit of Lord of the Flies. English 8 students almost finished the Anne Frank acting project.
End of Final Full Week
Today marked the end of the final full week of school. Next week opens with Memorial Day, and while we should probably all be pausing at some point to think about those who died in the service of...
SC-PASS 2019
We had the science SC-PASS test today. We were on a three-hour delay schedule, so all the classes afterward were only half an hour. Still, we did the best we could with the time we had. English I...
Math Testing for 2019
The SC-Ready Mathematics exam was today from 8:30 to 11:30. Due to this, all classes were only half an hour long. English I classes worked on their Lord of the Flies writing assignments, and English...
EOC Reading
English I Honors students had the second part of the EOC today, which was the reading portion of the test. We're close to done with the entire course, so students are starting to get excited. The...
Lord of the Flies and Anne Frank
English I Honors students tackled one of the most confusing passages of Lord of the Flies: the scene in which the pig head talks to Simon. At the beginning of the class, an informal, five-finger...
Today, I accompanied the eighth grade to Carowinds. Needless to say, it meant we didn't do anything very English-related except for the chatting that occurred throughout the day.
Spring Testing 2019: ELA Session 2
Today we had the second of two parts of the state-mandated English test. As with the writing portion yesterday, the test lasted until after twelve, so we didn’t even have a full related arts class...
Spring Testing 2019: ELA Session 1
Today we had the first of two parts of the state-mandated English test. Writing lasted until after twelve, so we didn't even have related arts classes. Remaining classes were on the standard testing...
More Taboo and More Project Work
English I Honors students worked on the second Lord of the Flies writing assignment. They're looking at the following question related to taboo: As the Littluns are playing, Roger takes small stones...
Sociology and Presentations
English I students took the time to think, write, and talk about Lord of the Flies in a new way, using some basic principles of sociology: People behave differently in groups than they do as...