
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Participles and Poetry

English 8 started working on standard L-4.1 (show knowledge of the function of gerunds, participles, and infinitives and their functions in particular sentences). We're looking at how the author...

Writing and Reading

English 8 students continued working on implementing BHH/effective readers' skills. We made it through almost all of chapter 3 in Nightjohn. English I Honors students continued working on their...

Final Paragraph and bHh

English 8 students moved from "From the Book" to "From my Head" (the second "H" in the "bHh" of the title). We're looking at three questions to pull information from kids' heads: What surprised me?...

Symbolism, Irony, and Motifs

English 8 students started looking at themes in Nightjohn by looking at motifs in the early part of the work. English I Honors students began the final writing cycle for our short story unit,...

Voice and Assessments

English I Honors students began the day with a benchmark assessment for my required SLO (Student Learning Objective) documentation. It didn't quite take all of the period, and students spent the...

Written Analysis and Friday Work

English 8 students had their first day of Friday inference work, looking at this text: Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if...

Trust and Voice

English 8 students looked at voice in Nightjohn, trying to generalize some rules about the narrator's voice from specific examples that we examined in class. English I Honors students looked at "The...

Voice and Perspective

English I students began the second analytic short story writing project today by thinking a bit about perspective and point of view ("Where you stand determines what you see."), which we...

Assessment and More

English 8 students moved on with Nightjohn, looking to the point after chapter 2 tomorrow when we'll begin incorporating voice and diction. There was, of course, the new article of the week as well:...

Finishing Everywhere

Everyone was finishing something today. English 8 students finished their first lit circles (they really didn't know that's what they were doing, but that's what they were indeed doing); English I...

Completing Schaffer and Continuing Nightjohn

All students went to the library today for orientation and the first opportunity to check out books. This shortened all classes by approximately twenty minutes. English 8 students continued working...

New Unit and Topic Sentence Evaluation

English 8 students began a new unit after going over the first new term in the week's AOW: Afterward, we started preparing for the new unit. English I Honors students went over last week's AOW:...

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