
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Figurative Language, Hero’s Journey, and Phrases

Figurative Language, Hero’s Journey, and Phrases

English I Honors students worked on phrases at the end of class (test coming Monday; notes attached below) after students worked on the Joseph Campbell/Hero's Journey work for the Odyssey. [gallery...

Figurative Language and the Monomyth

Figurative Language and the Monomyth

English 8 students continued working on figurative language as we move through our poetry unit. We first looked at the article of the week a little, though. English I students began the final stages...

Figurative Language and Allusions

Figurative Language and Allusions

English 8 worked on a figurative language review. We went over similes metaphors personification hyperbole understatement idiom. We'll begin applying it on Monday. [gallery type="slideshow"...

Homeric Poetry

Homeric Poetry

English I Honors students finished working on Homeric similes, working out the final aspects of a functioning formula for a Homeric simile: [gallery columns="2" type="columns"...

Poetry and Homeric Similes

Poetry and Homeric Similes

English I Honors students worked on the cyclops section, specifically looking at the use of Homeric similes (see notes). We determined the "formula" for a Homeric simile, including the odd fact that...

Work Day and New Unit

Work Day and New Unit

English 8 students finished up the Halloween unit on "The Tell-Tale Heart" and started a new short unit on poetry, specifically focusing on figurative language. We went through a Pear Deck to assess...

Socratic Seminar and Inference Work

Socratic Seminar and Inference Work

English I Honors students conducted a Socratic Seminar on the question of who had the most power, Calypso or Odysseus. Students used information from five sources to make their determinations and...

Finishing Tone and Preparing for a Debate

Finishing Tone and Preparing for a Debate

English 8 students continued with the second of several sessions working with tone. We also went to the library for checkout. We'll be embarking on silent sustained reading (well, maybe not quite so...

Tone and Modern Influence

Tone and Modern Influence

English 8, after going over a term in the article of the week worked on tone some more. It's a tricky subject that we'll return to often. We worked on determining the tone of selected poems by...

Calypso and Communication

Calypso and Communication

All students had benchmark testing today, so classes were only half an hour long. English I Honors students worked on an extended Think/Pair/Share (completing only the "Think" portion) regarding...

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