Students today worked on their first song for the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack project. Specifically, we made a list of all the connections between the song and the play that students had come up...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Friar’s Soliloquy and the Project
We've spent the last couple of days going over Friar Lawrence's soliloquy that opens 2.3: The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, Chequering the eastern clouds with streaks of light, And...
Balcony Scene Completed
We finished going over the balcony scene today, one of the most famous scenes in theater history. We reviewed our earlier work and shared with the class our findings as we explored: elliptical...
Balcony Scene
Students today went over the test from yesterday, looking particularly at the extra credit. Then we went over the balcony scene (2.2). We'll be spending a few days looking at this.
Preparing for the Test
Today all classes prepared for tomorrow's test. If you weren't here today, you can complete the work at this link. Remember: Review the passages we went over in class, especially the ones for which...
Two Arguments
Today we looked at a couple of famous passages in 1.5. The first is the torches passage: There is a lot happening in that passage, including the introduction of the primary motif in the play: light...
“I can infer from the text the action in the scene.”
Students spent the morning going over the LEAP test for the state education department, so we were on a testing schedule that gave students a little over half an hour in each class. In the limited...
Queen Mab
Today we began with a look at a critical line from 1.3: Students were to identify the speaker solely from the passage and its context clues. One clue is in the first line, the inverted...
Wordy Nurse
Today we looked at the nurse and her opening monologue: Even or odd, of all days in the year, Come Lammas-eve at night shall she be fourteen. Susan and she--God rest all Christian souls!-- Were of...
Capulet the Revolutionary Father
Today we finished up 1.1 by reviewing some famously oxymoronic lines from Romeo: Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still, Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will! Where shall we dine? O...
Parsing Shakespeare with Participles
Today we started with participial phrases since the next section of the sonnet which we are working with includes a fair number of participles: Afterward, we
Starting the Bard
Students started the final series of poems in our poetry unit, turning to the poems of William Shakespeare in preparation for the next unit, which is on Romeo and Juliet. We began parsing...