Standing on our desks and writing Schaffer paragraphs…
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Schaffer Work All Around
Once again, all students worked on Schaffer at different levels today
More Schaffer Work For Everyone
All students worked on Schaffer at different levels today.
Schaffer Squared
English I students worked on their first real analytic Schaffer paragraphs after we went over the homework of quote integration practice. Remember: if you wish for one-on-one feedback, you'll have...
Integrating Quotes and Schaffer
All students began the day by going over some more AOW annotations, specifically looking at how context clues in other sentences can help us determine the meaning of a word. English I students...
First Paragraph and Concluding the Story
A beginning and an ending this August day.
AOW, Questioning, and Summary vs. Analysis
All students today began going over the very first article of the week. We'll be working on various AOWs throughout the year as our bell ringer. English 8 Students in English 8 added the last of the...
Connecting, Monitoring, Fixing, and Writing
English 8 Students in English 8 continued with our review of Effective Readers' Skills, reading "Thank You, Ma'am" and applying the skills. English I English I students completed their group-work...
Schaffer Planning, Commenting, and Predicting
English 8 English 8 students worked on effective readers' skills today, focusing on: commenting and predicting. We returned to "Thank You, Ma'am" to begin applying effective readers' skills: English...
Second Day 2021
Students in English I today dove into the topic we covered only in overview form yesterday: the Schaffer body paragraph. We looked at some student examples from last year and evaluated the topic...
The End 2021
End of year blues and joy.
Eighth-Grade Day 2021
End-of-the-year party!