English 8 students, having recently completed a short unit on text structures, are taking these two days to beef up their critical thinking/reading skills. We're working on logic puzzles to that...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
The Main Idea about Adjectival and Adverbial Phrasal Research
Adjectives, adverbs, and main ideas — oh my!
Prepositional Phrases, Research Questions, and Development
Developing and researching
Monomyth and Central Idea
English I students worked on the monomyth from Joseph Campbell's The Hero with A Thousand Faces. We only made it through the first three stages of the hero's journey: Call to adventure Refusal of...
Hidden Calypso and Autism
English I students finished a two-day analysis project in which they looked at the role allusions can play in the development of an artistic creation: The Police song "Wrapped Around Your Finger."...
Main Idea and Heroism
Michaela’s Odyssey
Homeric Text Structures
English 8 students finished up text structures with a light game of game-play: a Gimkit and a Kahoot. Virtually everyone demonstrated that they have mastered text structure identification. English I...
Finishing Text Structures and Calypso
Calypso and text structures
Odyssey and Text Structures
Text structures and the Odyssey
Hook and Test Prep
Hooked on poetry
Finishing Paragraphs and Continuing Sonnets
Writing and sonnets
A Sweet Poem and a Second Paragraph
English I continued with "Sonnet 29," looking today at the second half of the poem and examining it for two elements: Two examples of inversions (there are four in the final lines); One long phrase...