
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

A Sweet Poem and a Second Paragraph

A Sweet Poem and a Second Paragraph

English I continued with "Sonnet 29," looking today at the second half of the poem and examining it for two elements: Two examples of inversions (there are four in the final lines); One long phrase...



English I students began looking at sonnets today. We're getting our feet wet with Shakespeare a month or so ahead of starting Romeo and Juliet. English 8 students continued working with...

Tenor, Vehicle, and Chapter 6

Tenor, Vehicle, and Chapter 6

English 8 students went through chapter six of Nightjohn today. We'll finish it up tomorrow and have a discussion about it, looking at how the author pulls some interesting tricks. English I...

Poetry, Chapter 4, and Technical Difficulties

Poetry, Chapter 4, and Technical Difficulties

I'm afraid something went wrong with the Google Meet recording today. The Meet for third and fourth periods went off without a hitch, except one: somehow, although I clicked "Record," the session...

No Red Ink for All and Poetry for Some

No Red Ink for All and Poetry for Some

All students began working on their No Red Ink work that will continue throughout the rest of the year. Details in the homework section above.

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